January 14, 2022


38 on Balcony and TWO robe event . This morning I thought of one of our trips. We avoided cruises because of too much food was tempting, but the best way to see Alaska, for us, was a Cruise. So off we went and it was one of the most breathtaking trips of all. We had seen many beautiful sights all over the world, but Alaska -top of the list. I hear the glaciers are changing and that is a shame. One of the delights was to see what we had only read about. So many things to do as we went from city to city. We would deboard and see the delightful things that tourist get to see and then back on to other things. One Truman discovered and enjoyed was the practice range for the golfers. and being an avid Golfer, he could not wait to try it and to have me take a picture to show his Buddies back home. They hung a large net at the end of one of the Decks to catch the balls and you could hit your ball toward the ocean. He enjoyed that a lot. Of course to sit in a hot tub amid the snow and ice was fun too. Got a picture of that also. Well, we are far away from as cold as Alaska now, but cold enough.

BETTY *retired, but happy, traveler) BOOP


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