January 4, 2022


The Meadow is white with frost. Geese are out of green in their diet. Not good. What do they do in the winter for food. ?The Lord Will Provide. Just as he does for us. So much is about caution here, since we are fighting the virus again. Many of usual things are canceled. Seems like we are going backwards. I understand it, but it is hard to wear that tired old mask again. I really got tired of it the last time. Maybe it will all turn around soon. 

Hey, we can always talk about breakfast. Or are you tired of that subject too? Seem it is the highlight of my day. I fixed my version of French toast. Banana was just ripe, so on it went. Good combo. They are rerunning so many old sitcoms from the past. My we have come a long way there. I kind of like some of them and then some were just plain old poor acting. I felt sorry for some of them, but in the early days of TV we laughed and thought they were good. I guess it is the sign of the times and we march on.

BETTY (trying to march with it) BOOP

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