January 10, 2022


How did you survive a young Nieve Mother like me.? I well remember the morning of the day you were morn. I actually moped the kitchen floor. A wave of energy often will cause a new Mom to do strange things. I was so proud of a new house with that kitchen with a red floor. Off we went to the hospital about noon. And you were born right after midnight. In those days they kept the Father waiting -- in waiting room--not much contact with Mother. But I had your Aunt, who was a RN, and all went slow but well. Women were almost put to sleep during delivery then, so I don't remember much till they brought you all wrapped in a blanket and I got to hold you for the first time. How could that tiny little being turn into a beautiful, talented, creative, person you have always been. I am proud of you and you are still a joy to me. Dear readers, forgive the personal Blog today. But the subject is what I thought of for today. 

BETTY(proud of all my girls)BOOP

P. S. I actually hold memories of looking for first time into all my babies eyes.) 

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