January 13, 2022


41 degrees and sun is shining. No excuse -- real or made up. Just go. Here I sat looking at least 6 flights of planes take off. Jet streams were beautiful.  

Here I sit on Balcony. No excuse. Sun is shining, 41 degrees and no wind. I watched as at least 6 planes take off, leaving beautiful jet streams. Somebody is going somewhere. I saw one walker, covered from head to toe and walking rather briskly. She will warm up fast at that speed. My Chinese Tallow tree is blooming from the bottom, strange to see. It is a little too early, but popcorn balls are really there, white and pretty. What will happen to it? I wonder if we are almost passing Winter this year. Not much here so far. 

I had a beautiful pink iced cupcake to appear at my door. No note. Later I got a call from Kitty (a neighbor) and she said, "I knocked, but no one answered, I was not prepared to leave a note." It had just been her birthday, and someone gave her a big batch of cupcakes. No way could she eat them all. So, I can't either, but I thanked her "sweetly", and did not say I had to watch my sugar, how nice to be thought of anyway. Solved the secret and put it in the fridge. It will linger a while, maybe I can take a bite and then feel that I can toss it. What a waste. SO, BE IT. Excuse me, I must go climate the temptation.

BETTY (very weak when a cupcake is sitting in fridge.)BOOP


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