January 1, 2022


Growing up in the South, it was a well known fact: EAT YOUR BLACKEYED PEAS SO YOU WILL BE PROSPERS IN THE NEW YEAR.  Well I have loved those peas all my life, but how prospers did it make  me? Also we were told to eat cabbage or some green for plenty of money.  It only made me more healthy. So what is wrong with that? Just a fun thing now. Hope there is the duo for lunch today. In the beginning, I always bought dried peas and soaked them over night, Then until I had a pressure cooker (great invention) I would cook slowly for hours with a ham bone or something like it. Then I graduated to canned peas, during my busy child raising years, New Year's Day meal would always include, cabbage, cornbread. and I loved pickled beets. Potato salad satisfied my group. How about good old homemade banana pudding to top it off. And a slice of ham would be good too. I am making you hungry, but not me. I had a traditional breakfast of oatmeal with banana sprinkled with cinnamon. So I am good to go till lunch time.

BETTY ( good luck to you) BOOP

P. S.  and read if you find the time, Mr. Google about blackeyed pea tradition, kind of interesting.


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