November 4, 2022


Weather report. Just look at the sky, and then you will know. T. V. weather people interest me. So many women go into that profession now. I find myself watching to see what color dress they pick each day, the style, and also' I look at the beautiful hair style. Oh, those long curls down their back and over the eyes. My, must be hard to keep it perfect. And those high heels they titter on. Well, you can see why I need to keep up with the weather!!!

So not much to write today. But you should have had breakfast with me this morning. I would have started you with orange juice, then famous cooked oatmeal with banana and strawberries, Rye toast with melted cheese on top, crisp turkey bacon, and the best coffee, served up by MR. COFFEE. He is trying to win me over and doing just that!!  By the way, for a couple of reasons, Thanksgiving turkey may be short this season. So, gobble on down to market and buy one.

BETTY (or, let SCV cook for you) BOOP

p. s. that is my plan.


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