November 30, 2022


Just as I have said before--when we have bad weather, the weather people go crazy. They blocked all three local networks all night long. I understand why, but so tiresome, when I find, I missed MICHEL BUBLE"s Christmas special. Oh, me, I have mixed feelings about that. Maybe they will show it again?  Should I ask them to? Oh, well, I will soon get over it, I guess. 
I have too much on my mind. It gets crowded in there. This OLD GIRL ain't what she used to be. #2 daughter will bring provisions today (groceries.) That will brightened my day. Always loved going to grocery store. They tell me that it is not what it used to be. In my early buying groceries days it was a place to go, just to go somewhere. The Covid mess, really touched every place in our lives. Getting better in some ways. We will survive.

BETTY (let's go somewhere) BOOP
p. s. even if it is the grocery store!!

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