November 22, 2022


I thought 44 degrees sounded warm enough for the Balcony but turns out the sun went South and left a cold breeze. I was determined to brave it when I spotted a RUNNER swiftly going around the Lake. Must give her an audience. I waited to see if she could finish before my coffee got cold. She made it as I took the last wonderful warm sip. I wanted to "HOORAY" her but thought better of it. That was enough just to see her go-girl-go. I bet she was someone's daughter-no- granddaughter, on a visit. Yeh, I have much to amuse me. 

I went to Choir practice yesterday. I am enjoying the members and the director and singing the old familiar Christmas songs once more. I think I have been missing the togetherness of people. Anyway, I can lose my old scratchy voice among those ones that are still strong. Maybe together we can make a joyful noise at Christmas time.


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