July 7, 2021


As I sat on the Balcony with my Cyber coffee, I noticed two having breakfast outside the Cyber.  Now that is a good idea.  But for me, by myself, who would open  the door and help me out and back in?  Sometime I think back just for a moment when I was independent and could hold my own door open.  Sure was nice.  Now I am happy just to order over phone and go pick it up.  Those were the "good old days" when things were at the best, when I could sit down and be waited on.  Spoiled?. Yes!! Oh well,  OLD CROW still  seems to have given up and on to harassing someone else.  Bert came for biscuit crumbs and was scared away by a Mocking Bird.  Kind of scared me too.  They look so confident that they can scare the other birds. Poor little sparrow is low on the totem pole I think.  Any way Mr. Mocking bird is king now. Gee,  I really do have to get a life.  I arranged my Hall table fresh yesterday.  My good neighbor Martha Love, let me add to my display, her little Dutch figurines. I have some too and with the grey crock with blue band filled with Sunflowers,  looks refreshing and pretty. That crock was my mothers and I remember when she made  homemade mayo she would hand beat it with her egg beater.  Remember them? I was allowed to slowly add oil as she beat the mixture.  Down Memory Lane again.  I am fortunate to have lived during a time when so many things were introduced and changes made.

BETTY (remembering again) BOOP 



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