July 31, 2021


The famous Ritz Hotels were founded by Swiss, Ceaser Ritz, in the 1800's. I  know you have heard they are very "ritzy."  Well I had a silly thought this morning as I fed the Buble' family of seven.  I fed them cracker crumbs of RITZ  crackers. They were Ritzy this morning and happy. Silly, but true.  Lets leave that thought were it lies--in the Silly Bin.   It was very hot on Balcony, but I saw two bikers.  One on each side of Lake.  I also saw a man fishing.  Out to get them early. He competes with another for the biggest catch and picture on the Board.  We have a space called BRAGGING  RIGHTS.  That is where they hang my poems.  Those who want attention (me) try to have it.  Forgive me, but I am human.

BETTY(bragging) BOOP


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