July 24, 2021


First I have dubbed my little sparrow family THE BUBLE' FAMILY. (Because I like and listen to Michael Buble" a lot.) And it does start with a "B")  They came and feasted on graham crackers this morning. I watched a swimmer in pool early.  Good for her.  Saw a new walker with his LARGE black and white (mix) dog.  Saw MISS BIG HAT, and also saw her hat on the internet  They called it a Flower Pot Hat. Also.  It really looks that way. i also saw MISS I STILL LOOK GOOD IN SHORTS. Now that was not a nice thing to say.   Skipped the Saturday pancake to keep sugar under control.  Oh well, oatmeal is still a winner.   With all the trimmings, it  is the best anyway for me.  Getting hot fast, with the rain letting up.  Could not stay long on Balcony.  I did see a few more walkers.  Go figure.  I sometime think they miss the best weather and opt for the less best.  People.  They are interesting.  What else for today? Will tell all tomorrow.  If you will stay with me.

BETTY (always wanting attention)  BOOP   

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