July 22, 2021


First there is HEAD HONCHO, Bert-then his OLD GIRL, Beatrice, then comes BIG BROTHER, Bob. LITTLE SISTER Betty, and finally smallest of them all-baby BILLY,  they enjoyed cracker crumbs and the last bite of my biscuit.  My Mother was named Willie Mae.  She was named for her favorite uncle William.  She was always happy to tell that story.  Sometime she was called Willie or Billie.  Daddy called her Bill when he was serious.  Most people have a "nick" name.  My name is Doris (thanks to my daddy), Mama said it was for some actress of that day.  So I was called "Dot." Makes no sense whatsoever.  Some Dorothy's are called Dot, but not  Doris --just  Dot.  So what else is new"  We named middle daughter Jan. thinking she could not shorten that one, but people still think she is Janet or Janice.  Sorry- we tried.

Oh well- SO BE IT

BETTY(confused) BOOP  


Karen Buffington said...

Love that nugget of family history. I never knew that. Did Jack Duane come from anywhere?

Dot said...

OUR DADDY NAMED JACK. JACK WAS THE NAME OF A FAVORITE PREACHER WE HAD AND DUANE ???. He was good at names. Isn't that a strange thing to know? I do know how happy he was to have a son. You would have thought he would want a JR. But no, he had his own name. I remember liking his name. It fit him--JACK, I miss him. Having him was like a new doll to play with. I miss him. Aunt Dot

Karen Buffington said...

How fun! I never knew he was named after a preacher. Dad always talked about you making him "perform" for your friends?? Making him say emancipation proclamation??

Dot said...

yes He was a performer. I probably overdid it. But he was a cutie. Aunt Dot